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Fees - 2025



Fees are based on any time spent by a doctor working on your behalf on a pro rata basis and will include consultations, time on the telephone, home visiting, email advice, specialist referrals, correspondence, ordering tests, note making, data analysis and reports.



15 minutes £147
30 minutes £294
60 minutes                                         £588
Home Visit in Normal Working Hours £588 per hour door to door


Minimum doctor consultation fee  £147


If you are keen to minimise consultation time please do say so in advance


Routine repeat prescription outside a consultation £68
Complex, phone, email or faxed prescription outside a consultation from £87
Vaccine advice and reports from £125



Additional fees are charged for laboratory tests, vaccines, medications, dressings and occasional administrative fees



Also note: 


Prescribed medicines will be charged at the pharmacy at their market price

  • "Frankly it is excellent!"

  • "I am entirely satisfied with the quality of the service provided. "

  • "Your service is outstanding and I cannot think of any way to improve it. "

  • "Very helpful and cares alot about patients health"

  • "I consider myself very fortunate to be receiving care from this practice. "

  • "Prompt efficient professional medical care - very satisfied and would recommend to other patient"

  • "Couldn't be better. I receive excellent care at this GP practice. I can only recommend. Thank you Dr Rose for sorting me out!"

  • " I have never had such a stress free, friendly, professional service as I did with Dr Rose. "